Chosen select widget (красивый, функциональный выпадающий список)

Chosen select widget (красивый, функциональный выпадающий список)


Instalar Manifestación

Tiempo de publicación: miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015 (hace 8 años)

Creado por: Семенов Александр Сергеевич

Categoría: Otros

Versión actual:
1 ene. 1970 3:00:00 (hace 54 años)

Packagist: skeeks/yii2-widget-chosen



Tipo: Компонент

use skeeks\widget\chosen\Chosen;

<?= Chosen::widget([
    'model' => $model,
    'attribute' => 'selectable_attr',
    'items' => [1 => 'First item', 2 => 'Second item', 3 => 'Third item'],
    'multiple' => true,

<?= $form->field($model, 'selectable_attr')->widget(
    Chosen::className(), [
        'items' => [1 => 'First item', 2 => 'Second item', 3 => 'Third item'],
        'disableSearch' => 5, // Search input will be disabled while there are fewer than 5 items
        'clientOptions' => [
            'search_contains' => true,
            'single_backstroke_delete' => false,


Chosen + Bootstrap 3 + Yii2



Chosen Bootstrap Look & Feel (with my style fixes)


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require "skeeks/yii2-widget-chosen" "*"

or add

"skeeks/yii2-widget-chosen" : "*"

to the require section of your application’s composer.json file.


With a model

use skeeks\widget\chosen\Chosen;

<?= Chosen::widget([
    'model' => $model,
    'attribute' => 'selectable_attr',
    'items' => [1 => 'First item', 2 => 'Second item', 3 => 'Third item'],
    'multiple' => true,

<?= $form->field($model, 'selectable_attr')->widget(
    Chosen::className(), [
        'items' => [1 => 'First item', 2 => 'Second item', 3 => 'Third item'],
        'disableSearch' => 5, // Search input will be disabled while there are fewer than 5 items
        'clientOptions' => [
            'search_contains' => true,
            'single_backstroke_delete' => false,

Without a model

use skeeks\widget\chosen\Chosen;
<?= Chosen::widget([
    'name' => 'ChosenTest',
    'value' => 3,
    'items' => [1 => 'First item', 2 => 'Second item', 3 => 'Third item'],
    'allowDeselect' => false,
    'disableSearch' => true, // Search input will be disabled
    'clientOptions' => [
        'search_contains' => true,
        'max_selected_options' => 2,

To override default placeholder strings you can add translated messages for Select an option (single select) and Select some options (multiple select) to your application message file. By default widget will use ‘app’ category to translate this strings, but you can set your own category by changing translateCategory option in widget configuration. For example, you can write this in application config file:

\Yii::$container->set('skeeks\widget\chosen\Chosen', [
    'translateCategory' => 'my-app',

Also you can override placeholder text when invoking widget (it can be useful for selects with small width):

use skeeks\widget\chosen\Chosen;
<?= Chosen::widget([
    'name' => 'ChosenTest',
    'value' => 3,
    'items' => [1 => 'First item', 2 => 'Second item', 3 => 'Third item'],

    'placeholder' => 'Select',

SkeekS CMS (Yii2) — quickly, easily and effectively! |



  • Fixed


  • Updating choosen to 1.8.2


  • Updating choosen to 1.8


  • Updating library

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dev-master — 1 ene. 1970 3:00:00 (hace 54 años) — 1 ene. 1970 3:00:00 (hace 54 años) — 1 ene. 1970 3:00:00 (hace 54 años) — 1 ene. 1970 3:00:00 (hace 54 años)

1.2.2 — 1 ene. 1970 3:00:00 (hace 54 años)

1.2.1 — 1 ene. 1970 3:00:00 (hace 54 años)

1.2.0 — 1 ene. 1970 3:00:00 (hace 54 años)

1.1.0 — 1 ene. 1970 3:00:00 (hace 54 años)

1.0.5 — 1 ene. 1970 3:00:00 (hace 54 años)

1.0.4 — 1 ene. 1970 3:00:00 (hace 54 años)

1.0.3 — 1 ene. 1970 3:00:00 (hace 54 años)

1.0.2 — 1 ene. 1970 3:00:00 (hace 54 años)

1.0.1 — 1 ene. 1970 3:00:00 (hace 54 años)

1.0.0 — 1 ene. 1970 3:00:00 (hace 54 años)

Стандартная установка:

Добавьте composer.json файл вашего проекта:

"skeeks/yii2-widget-chosen": "*"

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