Yii2-external-links (Компонент замены внешних ссылок для yii2)

Yii2-external-links (Компонент замены внешних ссылок для yii2)



Heure de publication: jeudi 11 février 2016 (il y a 8 ans)

Créé par: Семенов Александр Сергеевич

Catégorie: Marketing, publicité

Version actuelle:
1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans)

Packagist: skeeks/yii2-external-links

: https://github.com/skeeks-semenov/yii2-external-links


Type: Компонент

//App config
    'bootstrap'    => ['externalLinks'],

    'components'    =>
        'externalLinks' =>
            'class' => 'skeeks\yii2\externalLinks\ExternalLinksComponent',

    'modules'    =>
        'externallinks' =>
            'class' => 'skeeks\yii2\externalLinks\ExternalLinksModule',


//App config
    'bootstrap'    => ['externalLinks'],

    'components'    =>
        'externalLinks' =>
            'class' => 'skeeks\yii2\externalLinks\ExternalLinksComponent',

            'enabled'                           => true,
            'noReplaceLocalDomain'              => true,
            'backendRoute'                      => '/externallinks/redirect/redirect',
            'backendRouteParam'                 => 'url',
            'enabledB64Encode'                  => true,
            'noReplaceLinksOnDomains'           => [

        'urlManager' => 
            'rules' => 
                //Rewriting the standard route
                //And add robots.txt  Disallow: /~*
                '~skeeks-redirect'                        => '/externallinks/redirect/redirect',

    'modules'    =>
        'externallinks' =>
            'class' => 'skeeks\yii2\externalLinks\ExternalLinksModule',


AutoCorrect external links after rendering html page

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist skeeks/yii2-external-links "*"

or add

"skeeks/yii2-external-links": "*"

How to use (simple)

//App config
    'bootstrap'    => ['externalLinks'],

    'components'    =>
        'externalLinks' =>
            'class' => 'skeeks\yii2\externalLinks\ExternalLinksComponent',

    'modules'    =>
        'externallinks' =>
            'class' => 'skeeks\yii2\externalLinks\ExternalLinksModule',

How to use (advanced)

//App config
    'bootstrap'    => ['externalLinks'],

    'components'    =>
        'externalLinks' =>
            'class' => 'skeeks\yii2\externalLinks\ExternalLinksComponent',

            'enabled'                           => true,
            'noReplaceLocalDomain'              => true,
            'backendRoute'                      => '/externallinks/redirect/redirect',
            'backendRouteParam'                 => 'url',
            'enabledB64Encode'                  => true,
            'noReplaceLinksOnDomains'           => [

        'urlManager' => 
            'rules' => 
                //Rewriting the standard route
                //And add robots.txt  Disallow: /~*
                '~skeeks-redirect'                        => '/externallinks/redirect/redirect',

    'modules'    =>
        'externallinks' =>
            'class' => 'skeeks\yii2\externalLinks\ExternalLinksModule',


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Решение проблемы избыточного количества внешних ссылок

Будучи СЕО специалистом, вам приходится решать проблему внешних ссылок, с сайта, который вы продвигаете. Далее простое готовое решение для yii2 проекта.




  • replacing references only after <body


  • remove callback property
  • EVENT_BEFORE_PROCESSING before process replace
  • fix bug whith redirects


  • fix bug whith redirects


  • Stable release


Affichage de 1-1 sur 1 élément.

Tous les commentaires (0)
Sans commentaires

dev-master — 1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans)

1.1.5 — 1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans)

1.1.4 — 1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans)

1.1.3 — 1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans) — 1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans)

1.1.2 — 1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans)

1.1.1 — 1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans)

1.1.0 — 1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans)

1.0.1 — 1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans)

1.0.0 — 1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans)

Стандартная установка:

Добавьте composer.json файл вашего проекта:

"skeeks/yii2-external-links": "*"

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