Yii2-Mailchimp (Отправка email через сервис Mailchimp)

Yii2-Mailchimp (Отправка email через сервис Mailchimp)


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Yii2-Mailchimp (Отправка email через сервис Mailchimp)

Heure de publication: vendredi 3 juillet 2015 (il y a 8 ans)

Créé par: Семенов Александр Сергеевич

Catégorie: Bulletin électronique

Version actuelle:
1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans)

Packagist: sammaye/yii2-mailchimp

: https://github.com/Sammaye/yii2-mailchimp


Type: Компонент

Yii2-Mailchimp (Отправка email через сервис Mailchimp)


Yii2 MailChimp extension.

This is the most dirt simple extension you could ever imagine, literally this is how you use it:

$mc = new sammaye\mailchimp\Mailchimp(['apikey' => 'lalala']);


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist sammaye/yii2-mailchimp "*"

or add

"sammaye/yii2-mailchimp": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

Set Up

The class is merely a layer that calls __call on everything that comes in and passes it to the actual Mailchimp API wrapper.

Please refer to the documentation for…documentation: here.

For support please post an issue.

To find the Mailchimp API wrapper you can go to Bitbucket.

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dev-master — 1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans)

0.1.2 — 1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans)

0.1.1 — 1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans)

0.1 — 1 janv. 1970 à 03:00:00 (il y a 54 ans)

Стандартная установка:

Добавьте composer.json файл вашего проекта:

"sammaye/yii2-mailchimp": "*"

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